Starfire Characters - Comic Vine (2024)

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    Starfire Characters - Comic Vine (1)

    Volume »

    Volume 2.

    Short summary describing this volume.


    • Starfire 12 Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.
    • Sol Gomez 12 Brother of Sheriff Stella Gomez and member of the Coast Guard
    • Sheriff Gomez 12 The Sheriff of Key West, Florida, who Starfire tasks with helping her acclimate to her new home.
    • Atlee 8 Atlee, from sub-world of Strata, now lives as the super-heroine Terra on the surface-world. She is the third person to use the name Terra, and the first one who is not an exact physical copy of the others (Only genetically)
    • Silkie 7 Starfire's pet mutant moth larva.
    • Raveena 7 Coast Guard colleague of Sol Gomez
    • Chida 6 Underground monster who goes after Starfire and Atlee for burying him in the ground
    • Soren Hook 5 Doctor rescued aboard the Lazarus Two with the ability to drain away other's cancer at the expense of his own
    • Gabe 5 Part of the U.S. Coast Guard in Key West
    • Boone 4 Grandson of the owner of Royal Park Estates and made friends fast with Starfire
    • Kragg Gorn Kee 4 An alien bounty hunter hired by the Citadel to hunt down and kill Starfire.
    • Dick Grayson 4 As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in comic book history. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.
    • Javi 4 Fashion designer and Clothing store realtor of Key West, Florida who helps Starfire get acclimated
    • Benji 4 Proprietor of "Show me your Jewels" in Key West, Florida who appraises Starfire's diamonds
    • Tina 3 Grandmother of Boone and owner of Royal Park Estates
    • Aurla 3 A member of the Elder Council of Strata. She is healer and good friend of Atlee
    • Beth 3 Depressed Dolphin whom Starfire helped recover
    • Neala-Tok 3
    • Blackfire 2 Blackfire is the older evil sister of Starfire and Darkfire.
    • Power Girl 1 Kara Zor-L is the older, wiser, and stronger counterpart of Supergirl from Earth 2 but resides on the Prime Earth.
    • Orn 1 A member of Princess Koriand'r spaceship crew.
    • Vita 1 Girlfriend of Boone

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    Starfire Characters - Comic Vine (24)

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      Starfire Characters - Comic Vine (2024)


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